Five and a Half Years of Marriage

Do you remember being asked how old you were as a kid? If you were anything like my niece Kenzie, you would not only have stated the year, but your precise point in that year. Kenzie proudly tells me she is five and a half, and will probably soon be saying, “I’m almost six!” We start this measurement with babies, marking their age by the day, then weeks, then months, and eventually years.

As silly as it may sound, I want to do this with my marriage! I want to be so excited about our life together that I eagerly count the passing months and years we’ve been husband and wife and excitedly look ahead to a lifetime together. Marriage is an investment that has the potential to grow more valuable with each year. When we actively pursue one another, growing in love, every day together has value. What an incredible gift!

Intentionality is something the Lord is working in me. Taking time to slow down isn’t always easy, but I know it’s in the moments where I am present and mindful that I am able to enjoy the blessings right in front of me. I am finding that contentment doesn’t come from from doing more, rather from sitting at the feet of the one who already finished the work on the cross. At the top of the list of things in my life that benefit from more intentionality, is my marriage.

Michael and I are celebrating five years + eight months of marriage with this anniversary session! We didn’t do this session to mark a momentous milestone, instead to remember this specific time in our story as a couple. A time of renewed commitment to godly priorities and the joy that comes from pursuing a marriage that glorifies the Lord. I’m thankful for every day we’ve had together. Both the ones full of happiness, and the ones where the natural growing pains of life are felt.

I talk a lot about the importance of celebrating marriage and how that goes hand in hand with intentional documentation. I get it: life is busy, money is tight, and you want to lose 10 pounds first! Meanwhile, life is happening now and the days stream on without a pause button.

I honestly could have used any of those excuses and it was not easy to fit a session into our quick trip to Southern California. But, you know what? It was, without question, worth the effort.  I got up at 4am (with only 2 hours of sleep the night before!) to get ready for this sunrise session and California had just been hit by a pretty large storm, even by this Oregon girl’s standards. The park we were planning on shooting at was closed due to flooding. We found a random open trail, got a break in the rain, and started shooting away. The storm, like most metaphors, ended up being a blessing as I have never seen California so pretty and green! The images Jackie captured remind me every time I look at them (which is a lot because I’m kind of obsessed!) to pause, appreciate, and intentionally cultivate the love in my life.

“If we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.” – 1 John 4:12

All images by Jaqueline Faria Photography – a very talented friend of mine. Check out her work if you are in need of a Southern California wedding photographer!


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